KnowledgeWorks Foundation & The Institute for the Future "Map of Future Forces Affecting Education"
The map was created by aggregating the opions of relevant experts who create intensive case studies based on field research. The map is a forecast - a credible, internally consistent view of how future forces will affect the components of public education.
Barbara Diamond is Vice President, Education Strategy at KnowledgeWorks Foundation. "As a lawyer," Diamond says, "I work for education because it is like working for justice. "Education is the key to a just society," she says. "Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to become an educated person who both contributes and benefits economically, socially, culturally, and in countless other ways to the whole. It just is not right to bypass some individuals, to waste their talents, and consign them to poverty, by failing to ensure that they receive an excellent, inspiring education." To read more go here
KnowledgeWorks' David Moore will be a presenter at the Defrag Ohio Lorain Conference. The conference dates are Aprril 12, 13 and 14, 2007.
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