Sunday, March 04, 2007

And in Florida...A Center for Interactive Learning

A collaboration to share science museum assets: The Center for Interactive Learning (CIL), a collaboration between the Miami Museum of Science and the University of Miami, was established in 2006 to begin the planning and innovative design of interactive learning environments and programming for the new Miami Science Museum to be located in Bicentennial Park in downtown Miami.

“Students will have the opportunity to participate in scientific research while learning about cardiovascular health,” said Judy Brown, Ed.D., director of the Miami Museum of Science’s Center for Interactive Learning. “We are very interested in determining how science museums can play an increased role in helping the public interpret research.

”The health education project will explore the extent to which 10th graders engaging in an enhanced museum experience and playing a "cardiovascular debate game" display greater gains in cardiovascular health knowledge and improvements in behavior than their peers.

You can read the article here.


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